For everyone who doesn't think you can (sometimes) deny EULAs: #gaming

I've been called a liar and an idiot by groups of complete strangers because I couldn't remember the three or four games this worked in out of the hundreds I've tried it in. Well I just did it again so here's your proof.

Hardspace Shipbreaker. The choice is literally "decline and continue". The games loads normally after choosing that option. Considering the theme of the game I find it a little distressing that people wouldn't at least try to see if they could get away with declining the terms. I think it would be incredibly clever if it was something the devs did on purpose.

As I've said in the comments that have been downvoted to oblivion by arrogant gamers afraid to try it for themselves: I've tried this with every game I've played since EULAs became a thing and there is no drawback to hitting the "decline" button. If it doesn't work the game just reloads and asks you again, like one of those annoying JRPG dialog "options" that doesn't actually give you a choice. I've never had a game brick on me, I've never gotten a call from a lawyer or the FBI, nothing bad happens. Do youself a favor and just decline the first time every time. You shouldn't agree to something you dont read, and you're not gonna read it; you probably didn't read the LYNX contract in Shipbreaker either (but you should, it's hilarious and terrifying and I really wanted to decline it - now I owe them 1.25 billion dollars and they own my DNA).

Submitted January 16, 2024 at 07:53PM by TheReal8symbols


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