I don't like like misleading dialogue options in RPGs #gaming

The title says it all, really. One of my biggest pet peeves in RPGs is misleading dialogue options. What I mean by that is your choices for dialogue don't match what your character actually says. I understand that writing out every option is a bit wordy and that most people don't want to read that much while playing a video game. The shortened version is supposed to convey the same tone as the character's actual dialogue, but there have been many times where, had I known what the actual dialogue would have been, I'd have likely chosen a different option. It just feels like a bait and switch. This is just a little rant. I wanted to see if there was anyone else out there that felt the same.

Submitted October 02, 2023 at 07:41AM by jwschmitz13 https://ift.tt/gkAua2t


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