I miss the days where everyone had something unique and not the meta builds of every single game #gaming

Hoped on CoD for a while and almost everyone had the same couple of weapons laying on the ground when they died. It's whatever, it's just a shooting game right? And then I got on NBA2k cuz I haven't been on that in a long time. Every player does the same thing. Fine. Sure. I guess. Finally, while I'm sitting here at work I'm playing some Yugioh Master Duel, and my god this is what got on my last nerve. Everything is the same three decks being played. No one has anything that they built themselves and are beating people with. Just the same thing over and over in every game that I play. Content creators have really ruined games like this, as they always HAVE to show what meta thing is currently in the game.

Let's take Diablo for instance. Instead of just picking whatever class you wanted and having to go through the skill tree to find out what goes with what, you can just look up what does the most damage and be on your way. No uniqueness. No originality. Just straight boring things so you can look like you're the best at the game and blow through it.

Submitted August 19, 2023 at 04:49AM by NCHouse https://ift.tt/tbmOVye


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