Final Fantasy 16 is dark and gritty and Im all for it #gaming
Just started FF16 and got to Cid’s hideout, and as far as story goes, this FF is shaping up to be one of my favorites within the last several releases in the mainline series (not counting the online ones since I’ve never played them.)
There’s already been quite a few moments that took me by surprise, and with how bloody the game is, and how it’s not shy about killing people off, it has me kind of hooked. The last time I was into a FF game this much from the start was FF10.
Now I’m in the camp who was somewhat disappointed with FF15, and a big part was because how the game looked from its initial development (back when it was Versus 13) was totally different compared to how it shipped. It was shaping up to be this dark and gritty FF game about death, but what we got was, to me, a watered down version. But I think if they were to stick with the darker tone like what’s shown in FF16, FF15 could’ve been awesome. But that’s just my opinion.
Anyhow, so far I’m liking FF16 better than 12, 13, and 15 story wise. It’s kind of hard to compare it to FF7 Remake’s story because it’s a special case of an original story being retold differently, and no one really knows where it’s going. But I think they could’ve made FF7R a little darker too by staying true to some of the original’s story beats (keeping certain character deaths, keeping the Sephiroth/Shinra tower jail break scene bloody and creepy, etc.)
But yeah, I’m all for Square Enix going this mature route with their FF games. Only time will tell if they keep it up.
Submitted July 02, 2023 at 07:08PM by Grecko-Gecko
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