My Bf blames everything on lag #gaming
I don’t know how to tell him that’s he’s not as good as he thinks he is. I don’t want to be mean or tear him down, and maybe I shouldn’t say anything at all. But I’m getting so sick of us playing a game together or him playing by himself and getting so mad at the game. It’s always the faults of lag or his controller (brand new ps5 controller) or other people playing with us, never that he’s just not that good at it. Sometimes it’s silly and we joke about it but then there are moments like what’s happening right now where honestly he messed up and just yelled “THIS F-ING LAG”. I want to just be like “dude I was watching you that wasn’t lag you made a simple mistake”. Any advice on how to bring this up to him, or should I just let him feel that way so he doesn’t feel bad about himself? I don’t want to just roast him and hurt him.
Submitted December 30, 2021 at 12:18AM by dudebruhwow
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